Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Humble Launching

To all the new readers of this Blog,

Hi, my name is Louis Loy and I am a Malaysian. This is not the first time I have written a blog but this time is a bit different. In fact, the last blog that I have written was 4 years ago so I am very rusty at blogging already. Please don’t ask me about my last blog as I myself can’t even remember the name of the blog already! (There are too much things to remember these days)

The reason I started this new blog is to create an awareness. Mainly:

1. Awareness about the role of PODIATRIST.
2. Awareness about diabetes and the diabetic foot.
3. Awareness about our POOR feet.

If you ever wonder why am I creating this blog to talk about the feet and the nasty diabetic foot? The simple answer is I fell in love with the human foot. It just fascinates me totally! Before you said I am a weirdo or crazy. Please allow me to express myself and my thoughts. First of all, how many of you that are reading this blog have actually spend time taking care or looking after your feet as compared to the rest of your body especially your face?

Answer: Well I would imagine not many.

As you can tell, our poor feet are often neglected and I will give your some example to make things clear.
Example 1: How often do we wash our feet properly? (with soap and water and in between the toes)
Example 2: How many of us actually cream our feet as often as we apply body lotion
Example 3: Are we actually wearing the right footwear (flip-flops? high-heels? barefoot?)
Example 4: Who do we go to if we suffer a foot injury or a foot disease? (G.P? foot & ankle surgeon? Chinese physician? Masseur? self-treatment? OR a PODIATRIST?)

These examples given are not to criticise anyone but to educate and to cultivate people regarding the foot health, which also relate to the name of our blogspot (Feet For Health). If you ever wonder how the name is given. It actually derived from a few ideology like food for thought, fit for health, or fit for life. Voila! The name is BORN!

A simple explanation, as I am a simple guy, is that we need to have a healthy feet to have a healthy life. And health is the ultimate wealth don’t you agree? Think of it this way: What can you do without your feet? I presume there are many thoughts for this question but no worries because as we move along the thinking might change.

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