Sunday 19 October 2014

Corns + Callus = 2Common (Part 1)

Hello and welcome to today’s blog! Since our main theme is about Common Foot Problem, corns and callus are definitely my most favourite conditions to talk about.
Corns and callus can exist together or separately depending on many factors. Let’s talk about them in a simple and organised way. First, we gonna discuss about CALLUS then move on CORNS.

What is callus?
Callus (a.k.a callosity) is basically an area of thickened and roughened skin that act as a protective barrier to the underlying soft tissue.

Why does it develop?
The human body is a clever mechanism, it will protect itself whenever and however it can. Therefore, callus develops when a particular area of the skin is exposed to a continuous friction or a high pressure or both for a long period of time.

Where is it most commonly found?
Calluses are most commonly found on our feet (skin rubs against the bone, shoe or ground) but they can be found on the palms of our hands too especially in weightlifters (skin rubs against heavy metal bars).

Who gets it?
Basically anyone can have callus build up. However, some people have a higher tendency to form callus due to their natural skin type. For instance, elderly people are more prone to developing calluses on their feet because they have less fatty tissues in their skin. Younger people that work on their feet a lot for example Taekwondo fighters tend to have calluses build up.

When to seek treatment?
Always remember that callus serves a purpose, which is to protect the underlying skin from further friction or pressure that caused it. Normally callus is not painful but if a callus became very uncomfortable to walk on, please feel free to try the 4 simple steps below:

  1. File the callus on your feet with a skin file or a pumice stone
  2. Wash them with soap & tap them dry with a towel
  3. Apply heel balm or foot cream/emollient
  4. Put on your socks and go to bed

Please be aware not to remove too much or all calluses from the feet as this may cause more discomfort to walk for the newly-exposed skin surface. Callus will slowly grow back to aid to the protection of the feet for as long as the pressure or friction is present. It is always helpful to consult a Podiatrist or Chiropodist if the calluses on your feet are troubling you day-to-day activities =)

There are many various treatment that can be provided by a podiatrist. It all depends on what causes the callus to form and which area the feet are affected. Not just that a podiatrist will also examine your gait (a.k.a walking patterns) to identify the problem.

There are many fancy footwear out there on the market, from commercial to designer, from glossy to pricy! Footwear nowadays emphasized more on fashion rather than protection. If you bought a footwear that is not suitable for your feet, it may cause more harm than good to your feet.

First of all, footwear will affect your gait or walking pattern. Just compare high heels and pumps, you definitely notice the difference! Not just that, it will also affect the distribution of pressure on your feet. The heels of your feet are structured to withstand ⅔ of your body weight and ⅓ on your forefoot (the ball of your feet). By wearing high heels changes it the other way round. So now the forefoot is carrying ⅔ of your body weight and ⅓ on your rearfoot. Sadly our feet aren’t designed to do that. What happen next?

Callus! That’s right!

Wearing the right footwear is very important but again it is a choice for most individuals.

There are many different kinds of insoles out in the market. I call them the universal standard insole. First of all they are not custom-made, we have to accept that the human feet come in different shapes and sizes;  so they might suit you but not the others. Unless you have got someone on the spot that has got good knowledge about orthotics and insoles (I don’t mean shoe fitter). Don’t get me wrong, of course they are people that benefited from the standard insoles they bought from the store. If you find the off-the-shelf orthotics not helping, it is advisable to visit your local podiatrist or chiropodist or orthotist.

Non-invasive scalpel blade debridement
The name sounds so CooooOOLLL right? It is actually a debridement method using scalpel blade. Don’t worry, don’t faint if you see a podiatrist tries debriding your hard skin without injecting local anesthetic (L.A.). A podiatrist or a chiropodist is well trained and entitled to use a scalpel blade. The reason to use scalpel blade debridement is when the callus got too thick for filing.

*The Diabetes Corner*
For those who has got diabetes, the skin is normally quite dry. Callus may breakdown or crack apart due to the its thickness and dryness. We normally call it a callus fissure or heel fissure if it is on the heel.

If no action is taken, the fissure will crack deeper and cause an open portal for infections. This will lead to an ulcer formation or even an infected ulcer. I strongly advise people with diabetes to check their everyday before going to bed and first thing in the morning. Please go visit your local podiatry clinic if you have any doubt or uncertainty.

Well, a fire always starts from small. Same goes to heel fissure, if no action is taken it might lead to an ulcer, and an ulcer can take up to months or even years to heal. Amputation might be the last option. No joke!

If you CARE, you CAN prevent it!

That’s all for today folks! Hope you enjoy reading and don’t forget to share it to your love ones! Every little kindness counts!

Goodnight and stay tune for Part 2


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